When you're searching for an attorney, you may not think about how the law firm's day-to-day operations are taking place but it makes a significant impact on your overall experience and case outcome. One thing that you may not see on an attorney's website or hear about on your consultation call is how efficient and productive your potential attorney's internal operation is. With Personal Injury cases (injured in a car accident, motorcycle accident, or injured while at work) you have to be able to take action quickly and effectively. Having the right technology in place will achieve that goal.
This post is to help you understand why the use of the best-in-class technology and tools are important and how prepared we are at RTM Law with the right resources to take care of you.
Similar to many other industries, the pandemic has disrupted the legal industry and technology is becoming a pivotal influence on where the future of this industry is headed. To manage a series of workflows when working with clients, some legal professionals turned to online payments, client portals, and a Customer Relations Manager (CRM) software to improve business performance and keep clients more engaged. A recent industry trends study finds that firms that are adopting cloud-based and client-centered technologies can make a significant impact on performance. Firms using these technologies also reported greater case volume and revenue.
Online payment tools help law firms collect fees quicker and made the client's experience more seamless. RTM Law has a secure online payment system available for your convenience.
Client portal is another important tool that offers a secure and organized environment for law professionals to share information including documents, bills, calendar events, etc. When comparing year-over-year, firms using client portals saw a consistently higher performance and higher revenue compared to those that did not. This evidently leads to clients feeling confident in their attorney's ability to stay on top of every detail and for that reason, RTM Law works with the best-in-class client portal software.
CRM or client intake solutions help firms maintain high performance and resilience but most importantly, improve client engagement and experience. Every phase of your working relationship with RTM Law is accompanied by the right tools and resources to achieve excellence.
Keeping data clean and organized is important. Making sure clients have a positive experience from start to finish is important. Similar to any other service or product you acquire, working with your attorney should be a seamless experience. Here at RTM Law, we regularly consult with industry experts to ensure that we're up to date with our approach in day-to-day operations. We also have the best tools available to help us deliver on our missions daily.